Radon Testing for Homeowners

northern virginia radon

You may have heard that Northern Virginia (and many surrounding regions) has high radon levels - and that’s true. Check out this map from the Virginia Department of Health.

If you haven’t tested your home for radon recently, you should. In fact, the EPA recommends re-testing your home every two years to ensure levels remain low.

Why is it important to retest for radon?

Radon levels can change over time. Even if your initial test showed low levels of radon, it is recommended that you retest every two years to ensure that levels have not increased. If you have made any structural changes to your home, such as adding a basement or finishing an attic, it is also recommended that you retest for radon. Additionally, if you have experienced any seismic activity, such as an earthquake, it is recommended that you retest for radon as well.